Show User Disks
In this simple Perl script, we show user disks. This script is referenced by the dirs_user_objects.cfg configuration file, and sources from the showdisks_programs.cfg file.
#!/usr/bin/perl # -- show a system's user disks use Getopt::Std ; die "Usage: [-a|-b|-s|-u]\n" if (! getopts('absu') && ($#ARGV != 0)) ; $ALL = $opt_a ; $BAK = $opt_b ; $SYS = $opt_s ; $USR = $opt_u ; open(DF, "/usr/bin/df -k | /usr/bin/grep '^/dev/' |") ; while(<DF>) { chomp ; next if ($_ !~ /^(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)$/) ; $dev = $1 ; $mnt = $2 ; next if ($dev eq "/proc") ; next if ($mnt =~ /^\/floppy/) ; next if (($mnt =~ /^\/swap.?/) && ! $ALL) ; next if (($mnt =~ /^\/cdrom/) && ! $ALL) ; next if (($mnt =~ /^\/(usr||opt|var|tmp)$/) && (! $ALL && ! $BAK && ! $SYS)) ; next if (($mnt =~ /^\/var\/mail/) && (! $ALL && ! $SYS)) ; next if ((($mnt =~ /^\/home\//) && ($mnt !~ /^\/home/)) && (! $BAK && ! $USR)) ; #next if (! $BAK && ! $USR) ; print "$mnt\n" ; } close(DF) ;
For more examples, see Samples.