HTML Font Color Macros
The macros in this selected portion of the example html_macros.cfg configuration file below are used for HTML formatting of font colors.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // html_macros.cfg -- macros for html formatting // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ... // colors, and font colors white #FFFFFF offwhite #F8F8F8 black #000000 fontblack(T) <font color="=black">(T)</font> fblk(T) =fontblack((T)) blue #0000FF fontblue(T) <font color="=blue">(T)</font> fbl(T) =fontblue((T)) brown #996633 fontbrown(T) <font color="=brown">(T)</font> fb(T) =fontbrown((T)) lightbrown #CCBBAA green #008000 fontgreen(T) <font color="=green">(T)</font> fg(T) =fontgreen((T)) maroon #800000 fontmaroon(T) <font color="=maroon">(T)</font> fm(T) =fontmaroon((T)) purple #800080 fontpurple(T) <font color="=purple">(T)</font> fp(T) =fontpurple((T)) navy #000099 // #000080 fontnavy(T) <font color="=navy">(T)</font> fn(T) =fontnavy((T)) bluegray #336699 gray #808080 fontgray(T) <font color="=gray">(T)</font> fgry(T) =fontgray((T)) red #FF0000 fontred(T) <font color="=red">(T)</font> fr(T) =fontred((T)) ... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Using macros such as these, we can dispense for the most part with ugly, error-prone HTML tags and instead use the much shorter and more readable PIKT macro equivalents.
So, for example, instead of writing this:
this is <font color="#FF0000">red</font>, this is <font color="#00FF00">green</font>, and this is <font color="#0000FF">blue</font>
we would write this:
this is =fr(red), this is =fg(green), and this is =fbl(blue)
both of which would result in:
this is red, this is green, and this is blue
but doing it the second way with PIKT macros is clearer.
Here is some HTML code from the PIKT FAQ page that uses the font color macros:
=nm(who uses pikt, =b(Who uses =fn(PIKT)?)) =br Judging by =q(repeat customers) (sites downloading different versions of =fn(PIKT) more than once), =fn(PIKT) has been used at thousands of sites worldwide, ...
With similar HTML preprocessing, the principal PIKT Maintainer manages more than 650 web pages (at last count) over several different Web sites (including, as you might expect).
For more examples, see Samples.