alerts.cfg (old style)
In this sample alerts.cfg file, we specify the what, where, and when of alarm scripts--which alarm scripts to run, where and when to run them, at what priority ("nice" level), and where to send their output (typically e-mail).
This is an alerts.cfg in an older style, predating the innovations in more recent PIKT versions (i.e., 1.19.0 and later). This example is from a university environment where the focus was on user account, process, and disk space management. See also a newer style alerts.cfg from a business environment with a substantially different way of naming, arranging, and scheduling alerts.
This is a rather elaborate samples alerts.cfg file, with many different alarm scripts and timing subtleties. Especially for smaller organizations, a typical alerts.cfg might be much simpler than this.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PIKT alerts.cfg -- grouping and scheduling alarm and program scripts // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (please see the comments prefacing the sample macros.cfg about // configuration file complexity and parse error debugging) // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // when ordering your alarms, put the most important at the head of the // list so that they will appear at the top of any emailed alerts // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EMERGENCY // things that require immediate attention #ifndef test # if hamburg | misscritsys // & ! moscow timing 10,25,40,55 6-18 * * 1-5 5 // mon-fri, day hrs 10 6-18 * * 0,6 5 // sun,sat, day hrs 10 0-5,19-23 * * * 5 // each day, nite hrs # else timing 10,40 6-18 * * 1-5 5 // mon-fri, day hrs 10 6-18/2 * * 0,6 5 // sun,sat, day hrs 10 0,2,4,20,22 * * * 5 // each day, nite hrs # endif #elsedef timing 10 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test #if moscow | nismaster priority 5 #else priority 0 #endif mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: EMERGENCY' =pikt-emergency" lpcmd "=lp =piktprinter" alarms #if piktmaster SysDownEmergency SysBakSubnetDownEmergency #endif LoadAverageEmergency #if nisserver | mailserver NISBrokenEmergency #endif #if solaris PerUserProcessCountsEmergency CPUUsageEmergency SuLogScanEmergency SwapExhaustedEmergency #endif DevSystemNotExistEmergency DirSystemNotExistEmergency SystemFileNotExistEmergency DiskCapEmergency DiskInodeEmergency #if moscow RaidStatusNotOptimalEmergency #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Urgent // things that deserve nearly immediate attention #ifndef test # if misscritsys timing 20,50 6-18 * * 1-5 5 // mon-fri, day hrs 20 6-18/2 * * 0,6 5 // sun,sat, day hrs 20 0,2,4,20,22 * * * 5 // each day, nite hrs # else timing 20 6-18 * * 1-5 5 // mon-fri, day hrs 20 6-18/4 * * 0,6 5 // sun,sat, day hrs 20 2,22 * * * 5 // each day, nite hrs # endif #elsedef timing 20 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test #if moscow | nismaster priority 10 #else priority 0 #endif mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Urgent' =pikt-urgent" lpcmd "=lp =piktprinter" alarms #if piktmaster SysDownUrgent #endif ProcessSystemDeadUrgent PiktcSvcLogScanUrgent SysRebootUrgent LoadAverageUrgent PasswdFileProblemsUrgent DirSystemStatChangeUrgent DiskCapUrgent UmountDiskUrgent RootCoreFileExistUrgent LogUpdatesUrgent RestartSyslogUrgent MailQueueLengthyUrgent MessagesScanUrgent FileExistWarnUrgent SystemFileSizeChangeUrgent #if solaris RunawayProcUrgent CPUUsageUrgent NewSystemStartupFileUrgent ShadowFileProblemsUrgent SwapLowUrgent #endif #if solaris ProcZombieTotalCountsUrgent #endif #if solaris # if milan CronLogScanUrgent # endif #endif #if solaris LpHungUrgent #endif MountDiskUrgent #if nisclient NISNoBindingUrgent #endif #if nismaster YPPasswdFileSizeChangeUrgent #endif #if nismaster | piktmaster YPPasswdFileProblemsUrgent #endif #if ! uppsala SyslogScanUrgent #endif #if moscow RelaySpoolStatUrgent #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Critical // things that should be dealt with before too long, // preferably by day's end; (things reported here // may not be especially "critical" but are so // designated to conform with syslog's log levels) #ifndef test # if misscritsys timing 30 6-22/2 * * 1-5 5 // mon-fri, day&nite hrs 30 6-22/4 * * 0,6 5 // sun,sat, day&nite hrs # else timing 30 6-18/2 * * 1-5 5 // mon-fri, day&nite hrs // sun,sat, no hrs (no run) # endif #elsedef timing 30 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test #if moscow | nismaster priority 10 #else priority 0 #endif mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Critical' =pikt-critical" alarms #if piktmaster PiktDaemonProblemsCritical #endif ChecksumDifferenceCritical AfterHoursUserActivityLogScanCritical DiskCapCritical TmpFullCritical FileUpdatesCritical FileAgeWarningHstCritical #if solaris ShadowFileProblemsCritical #endif #if moscow ClassAliasProblemsCritical #endif #if nismaster YPPasswdAcctPasswordChangeCritical #endif DevSystemStatChangeCritical SystemFileStatChangeCritical DirsFileStatCritical #endif #if warsaw PiktWebPageChangeCritical #endif #if moscow ForwardingBrokenCritical #endif #if madrid KillIdleUserSessionCritical // supplementing idled #endif #if ! murmansk AuthLogScanCritical #endif #if solaris IostatLogInfo #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Warning // things that need attention, if not today, then // eventually; after looking at warning alerts, we // often just delete them at the end of the day, // clearing the deck for the next day's warnings #ifndef test # if moscow timing 40 3 * * * 10 // give extra time for BakMail to // finish # else timing 40 2 * * * 10 // run after the completion of // Info, which see # endif #elsedef timing 40 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test nice 5 mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Warning' =pikt-warning" alarms # if piktmaster SysDownWarning SysBakSubnetDownWarning # endif DumpDatesProblemsWarning PasswdFileProblemsWarning DiskCapWarning DiskInodeWarning QueuedMailOldWarning QueuedMailLongWarning RootMailFileExistWarning AliasesFileProblemsWarning // FileMtimeChangeWarning #if solaris SuLogScanWarning BackupDevStatWarning PasswdShadowCrosscheckWarning FileCtimeChangeWarning OrphanedPrintFilesWarning #endif #if nisclient & solaris PasswdFileNISProblemsWarning ShadowFileNISProblemsWarning YPServersFileWarning #endif #if nismaster YPAliasesBadAddressWarning YPGroupFileProblemsWarning NISHostsProblemsWarning #endif #if ! ( murmansk | firenze ) GroupFileProblemsWarning #endif #if ! firenze CrontabSuspiciousWarning #endif #if moscow MailmanAddressesProblemsWarning MailmanLocalAddressesProblemsWarning #endif #if piktmaster YPPasswdCrosscheckWarning // RemoteDiskCapWarning // RemoteDiskInodeWarning RemoteLpDisabledWarning #endif #if ! linux LpDisabledWarning #endif #if mailserver # if moscow ArchiveMailFileWarning # endif # if ! kiev MailQuotaWarning # endif #endif #if ! ( moscow | berlin ) DirsUserStatWarning # if homedirlinksys RemoveHomeDirLinkWarning // HomeDirLinksBrokenWarning HomeDirNonLinksWarning # endif #endif #if warsaw PiktWebFileCtimeChangeWarning #endif #if mus | perf | comp RemoveOrphanedSASWorkDirsWarning #endif #if piktmaster PiktcFilesChecksumWarning PiktcFilesDiffWarning PiktcChecksumWarning PiktcDiffWarning #endif PiktFileProblemsWarning LogUpdatesWarning FileUpdatesWarning // put this last /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Notice // things that deserve our attention but may or may // not require action; if we are busy, we can usually // safely ignore most or all notice alerts (simply // delete them) #ifndef test timing 50 3 * * * 10 // timing 50 3 * * 1-6 // never on a sunday! #elsedef timing 50 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test nice 5 mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Notice' =pikt-notice" alarms DiskCapNotice DeleteCoreFilesNotice ClearTmpNotice FileSystemSizeChangeNotice MessagesScanNotice LogSystemTruncateNotice LogPiktTruncateNotice LogLocalTruncateNotice #if solaris RemoveCrashFilesNotice RemoveOrphanedPrintFilesNotice #endif #if ! no_usr_local FilesSystemBackupNotice #endif #if mailserver MailArcFileProblemsNotice #endif #if nismaster YPPasswdRetireAcctNotice #endif #if ! linux NumberedPacctFileNotice NumberedSyslogFileNotice EmptyNetscapeCacheNotice #endif #if vienna | mus | ( perf & ! paris7 ) AutoRebootCronNotice #endif MailFileProblemsNotice #if vienna MailChkErrorsNotice // for now, only gathers data, // actual checking turned off; // data required for =sortlist, // run nightly via Warning on // moscow #endif #if warsaw DMailWebClearNotice #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Info // for informational purposes only, or for // occasional housekeeping tasks; we usually just // glance at info alerts or ignore them // altogether (simply delete them) #ifndef test # if moscow timing 50 0 * * 1,3,5 10 # else timing 50 0 * * 1 10 // run to completion before the // start of Warning # endif #elsedef timing 50 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test priority 5 mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Info' =pikt-info" alarms SystemFileStatChangeInfo DiskInfo #if mus | perf | comp FindMultiMediaFilesInfo #endif #if ! piktmaster CleanPiktDirsInfo #endif DiskHogsInfo /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Security // these usually deserve nearly immediate attention; // there's security-related stuff scattered // throughout other alerts; this is just another // place to put such stuff; we should probably // replace 'Security' with a different name, or have // a family of security alerts (see below) timing // 0-55/5 0-5 * * * 20% 0-5 * * * // on average, every 5 minutes // if some things are added to this that don't // need to run every five minutes, we can control // their scheduling by means of the appropriate // time checks within the individual alarms, // 'quit'ing and moving on to the next alarm // if the time is not right mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Security' =pikt-security" lpcmd "=lp =piktprinter" alarms // for now, just this, but we have security stuff // scattered throughout the rest of the configuration AfterHoursUserActivitySecurity // the following is for future development; for an explanation, please see // the sample defines.cfg, also the Security Considerations section of the // PIKT Reference and the distribution README // // alarms //#ifdef attentive // SecurityAlarm1A // must-do, day-to-day stuff, // SecurityAlarm1B // and/or low cost to run // ... //# ifdef cautious // SecurityAlarm2A // SecurityAlarm2B // ... //# ifdef worried // SecurityAlarm3A // SecurityAlarm3B // ... //# ifdef paranoid // SecurityAlarm4A // resource-intensive and/or // SecurityAlarm4B // time-consuming stuff // ... //# endifdef //# endifdef //# endifdef //#endifdef // // use per-machine and per-os '#if' statements to fine tune as necessary; // the overal idea here is: tend to do more, and do more often, resource- // intensive things on the more powerful machines, and tend to be more // paranoid on the mission-critical machines. */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if piktmaster Admin // for scripts aiding in the administration of // the PIKT system timing 10 2 * * * drift 5 mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Admin' =pikt-admin" scripts MakeFilesPiktObjectsAdmin IncludeFilesBackupAdmin UpdateIncludeFilesAdmin IncludeFilesSizeChangeAdmin InstallDynamicConfigFiles InstallPiktMasterObjectsAdmin // should be run // at the last #endif // piktmaster #if moscow Admin timing 45 0 * * * // should be run before Warning alert // on moscow mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Admin' =pikt-admin" scripts FindAllUsersAdmin FindMailmanAddressesAdmin FindAuthUsersAdmin #endif // moscow /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Debug // for PIKT self-monitoring; these deserve // fairly close attention, especially on the // piktmaster, where we not only run more often, // we also cron it #ifndef test # if piktmaster // crond runs Debug at alternating intervals like so: // 55 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * /usr/bin/nice -10 /pikt/bin/pikt +M // "/usr/bin/mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on vienna: Debug' brahms\" +A Debug timing 55 0-22/2 * * * # else timing 55 2-22/4 * * * # endif #elsedef timing 55 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test nicecmd "=nice -10" mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Debug' =pikt-debug" alarms PiktHeartbeatDebug #if piktmaster // it's important to run PiktDaemonProblemsCritical // independently in two separate alerts, Critical // and (our choice) Debug; if you just run it in one // alert, and that alert hangs, then you miss this // vital alarm; we recommend, too, that you run the // Debug alert via cron; in addition to the above // schedule, where 'pikt +A Debug' is invoked by // piktd, we also have cron invoke Debug (from our // root crontab): // // 55 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * /usr/bin/nice -10 /pikt/bin/pikt +M // "/usr/bin/mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on vienna: Debug' brahms\" +A Debug // // so, we run PiktDaemonProblemsCritical independently // under three different schedules: // // 30 * * * * [in the Critical alert, // invoked by piktd] // 55 0-22/2 * * * [in the Debug alert, // invoked by piktd] // 55 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * // [in the Debug alert, // invoked by cron] PiktDaemonProblemsCritical #endif PiktStatusChkDebug PiktFileNotExistDebug FileAgesPiktDebug PersistentPiktRunDebug PiktcSvcLogScanDebug PiktdLogScanDebug PiktEmergencyLogScanDebug PiktUrgentLogScanDebug PiktCriticalLogScanDebug PiktWarningLogScanDebug PiktNoticeLogScanDebug PiktInfoLogScanDebug PiktSecurityLogScanDebug #if piktmaster PiktcLogScanDebug #endif #if piktmaster | moscow PiktAdminLogScanDebug #endif PiktDebugLogScanDebug /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if backupclient Backup // backup stuff #ifndef test timing 45 2 * * 3,5 10 // wed,fri // sun-tue, thu, sat, no run #elsedef timing 45 8-16/2 * * * #endifdef // test nice 5 mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Backup' =pikt-backup" alarms =backup_alarms #endif // backupclient /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Red // deals with extraordinary situations timing 0-50/10 * * * * drift 2 priority 5 mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Red' =pikt-emergency" alarms DeadManActivityEmergency */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef test //# if piktmaster Test // use this for testing newly developed alarm scripts; // install with 'piktc -iv +D test +A Test +H ...' // or maybe 'piktc -iv +D test debug verbose -D page doexec +A Test +H ...' // after testing, remove all traces of // the Test alert with 'piktc -tv +A Test +H ...' // timing =piktnever timing 5-50/15 * * * * mailcmd "=mailx -s 'PIKT Alert on =pikthostname: Test' =pikt-test" alarms //ChecksumDifferenceCritical //RaidStatusNotOptimalEmergency CPUUsageUrgent //# endif // piktmaster #endifdef // test /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if moscow BakMail // do nightly backup of /var/mail timing 40 23 * * * priority 10 execcmd "=date >> =logdir/BakMailRpt.log; =prgdir/ -R 1 2>&1 >> =logdir/BakMailRpt.log; =date >> =logdir/BakMailRpt.log" #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if nosendmail & ! linux ProcessMailQueue # if misscritsys timing 5-50/15 * * * * # else timing 40 * * * * # endif drift 3 execcmd "=sendmail -q" #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
(A note about page layout: In the interest of readability, we have added artificial line wraps in many examples. Even though displayed here broken up across several screen lines, in general quoted strings, preprocessor directives, macro definitions, .log & .conf entries, and so on should all be unbroken on a single line.)
For more examples, see Samples.