Process Time Limits
This ProcessTimes.obj example specifies process time limits, which if exceeded, may be logged, e-mail may be sent, and/or the indicated processes may be killed. Note that it would also be possible to add thresholds to log excess process times, also to page the system administrators. This file sources from the example process_times_objects.cfg file.
fsflush 1200 10 999999 sshd 120 5 999999 inetd 60 10 999999 Xsun 120 10 999999 dtsession 120 10 999999 ypserv 120 10 999999 iigcc 120 10 999999 iidbms 2400 30 999999 gzip 120 10 999999 imapd 15 5 30 [...] DEFAULT 60 10 999999
For more examples, see Samples.