PIKT Dictionary File
Here is a small portion of the PIKT Dictionary file, PIKTDictionary.obj, which is referenced by the example spell_check.pl Perl script.
a aa aaa aad [...] zonttl zs zsh zurich
PIKTDictionary.obj appears on every PIKT web server (primary, test, backup). Because we maintain multiple instances of this dictionary file, we go to the trouble of configuring a single dictionary_objects.cfg source file on the piktmaster system:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // dictionary_objects.cfg // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if piktweb PIKTDictionary #ifdef test foobar #elsedef a aa aaa aad [...] zonttl zs zsh zurich #endifdef #endif // piktweb ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
On the piktmaster system, we would install the dictionary to each client web server system with the command:
# piktc -iv +O PIKTDictionary +H piktweb
For more examples, see Samples.