User Activity Example
Case Study 5: UserActivity
You can use PIKT's define feature to achieve precision control over your security setup. Consider these security settings in defines.cfg:
attentive TRUE // lowest level // of security cautious #if misscritsys | cssys TRUE #else FALSE #endif worried #if misscritsys TRUE #else FALSE #endif paranoid FALSE // highest level // of security
Listing 10 shows how you might use them in an alarm to monitor suspicious, after-hours user activity (some per-OS customizations were omitted for brevity):
Listing 10: UserActivity
UserActivity init status active level critical task "Report and/or log suspicious after-hours activity." input proc "=w -hs" =wdata begin exec wait "=touch =useractivity_log" // forced update #ifdef worried // or paranoid if #false() // never quit this alarm if we're // worried (or paranoid); monitor // activity at all hours #elsedef if #hour() >= 8 // 8 AM to midnight only #endifdef quit // don't monitor, move on to next alarm endif rule #ifdef worried // or paranoid if #true() // all users #elsedef # if nonusersys if #true() // all users, on admin systems # else if $user eq "root" // root only, on user systems # endif #endifdef && ( #length($idle) == 0 || $idle =~ "^[0-9]+$" // idle time in minutes, // not hours or days ) // escalate notification at higher levels of security output log "=useractivity_log" $inline #ifdef cautious // or worried or paranoid output syslog $inline output mail $inline #endifdef #ifdef worried // or paranoid output print $inline #endifdef #ifdef paranoid exec wait "echo '=pikthostname: $inlin' | =mailx -s \ '=pikthostname: $inlin' =pagesysadmins" #endifdef endif
We can also apply these defines to the UserActivity.log file produced by the UserActivity alarm. Here is a sample log entry:
Aug 3 01:36:01 CRIT: root p0 1 -csh
Listing 11 shows the log monitoring script.
Listing 11: UserActivityLogChk
UserActivityLogChk init status active level critical task "Report all new security incidents in UserActivity log." input logfile "=useractivity_log" #ifndef cautious // or worried or paranoid begin quit #endifdef #ifdef cautious // or worried or paranoid rule output syslog $inline #endifdef #ifdef worried // or paranoid rule output mail $inline #elsedef // only cautious rule if $inline =~ "root" output mail $inline fi #endifdef #ifdef paranoid rule output print $inline // page also? #endifdef
As security conditions change, we can generate more or fewer log entries by changing our security defines (from TRUE to FALSE, or vice-versa) for different systems, then using piktc to reinstall the modified scripts on those systems. This gives us pinpoint control over our security setup.
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