File Backups
[posted 2002/05/14]
We have added a new piktc option, '-b', for making file backups:
# piktc -h Usage: piktc <-bcCdeEfGhiIkKlLm#MprRstTvVxX> ... -b backup alert/script/program/file/object file(s)
By specifying -b, whenever you install or delete files (or refresh PIKT.conf), piktc_svc will make a backup of the files first (with a file extension you specify using backup_extension in PIKT.conf, else the default is ".piktbak").
The file backup option is especially useful when overwriting system configuration files during an initial PIKT setup (for example, when installing a PIKT- managed inetd.conf). If you goof up, you can revert to the backup copy.
For more examples, see Developer's Notes.