You use the piktc program to preprocess source configuration (.cfg) files on the master machine, and send the post-processing alert (.alt), object (.obj), program, and other files over the network to receiving piktc_svc daemons for installation on the slave systems. Preprocessing entails:
- stripping out meta-comments (comments of the form // or /* */)
- #include'ing auxiliary files (e.g., a list of Unix command macros)
- using #if <os|host|hostgroup> #endif preprocessor directives, filtering through lines pertaining only to the current client (e.g., '#if solaris')
- using #ifdef <define> #endifdef preprocessor directives, for including/excluding portions of the text (e.g., '#ifdef debug')
- making macro substitutions (e.g., substituting a Unix command path, with command options, appropriate to the current client)
- performing an across-the-board syntax check
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